The pace of innovation across the Bitcoin, Lightning, and Nostr ecosystems is faster than ever, and the scope of projects being built continues to expand, creating more specialists and fewer people who can keep up with all the latest developments.
Unless it's your full-time job (and even if it is), we're all prone to developing gaps in our knowledge and understanding of how Bitcoin, Lightning, and Nostr projects work.
To solve that problem, we thought it would be fun to open the floor today for anyone to ask all the Bitcoin, Lightning, and Nostr questions they've got on their mind.
There is no topic too elementary, and no question too complicated. Just jump in with all your burning questions, and help others solve their questions if you see one you can answer!
I think I have a good understanding of cryptography and the math behind it. But I'm completely out of the loop about wallets.
I understand deterministic wallets and i-th session keys like in encryption, I understand p2pk and p2pkh, I know about preimages for lightning scripts, I know about HTLT... But there are x,y,z pubs, different wallets in different BIPs, Legacy, Nested SegWit, Native SegWit...
Is there a resource that has like the overview to quickly look up these, from which wallet one can move to which wallet without going onchain?
Wish someone could have answered this. Great question. The world of Bitcoin needs WAY MORE resources to explain this stuff to the layman. Plebs like myself need to read/hear things explained in multiple different ways from multiple different sources in order for a concept to really click.
What's the big deal with Mutiny Wallet?
Not trying to dunk on anyone, just curious what the hype is all about.
I get that it's PWA, so that's a pretty big thing but otherwise it looks to me like Phoenix in that they manage channels for you but without some features like QR code scanning. And there's precious little technical documentation compared to ACINQ's.
Frequent users of nostr and SN, what content do you find most appealing on each platform?
Is it possible to create a transaction to another wallet which collects all the utxos associated with the first, and accounting for fees, does not leave anything in the old wallet?
It's something I've wondered about for a long time, RE old wallets that I'd like to sweep around, but I don't know the proper methodology for doing so.
You can do so with Sparrow, or probably any recent wallets, but Sparrow is my favorite. Import the private key of your old wallet into Sparrow, scan the blockchain for utxos, and send the full utxos from the utxo tab. Sparrow will auto adjust the amount being sent as you adjust the fees, and will sweep everything, leaving no change.
Did they make tweetdeck for nostr already?
Not exactly Nostdeck, but a newer desktop client that looks nice.
this would be very helpful, i’d also love to see tools for brands to delegate account keys for many account contributors