I thought it could have been an interesting discussion how Meta tweaks their algorithm, how it might shape society if Threads succeeds and only one huge monopoly company basically controlls all social media, what the consequences are of them being app-only and didn't have link-sharing at the time etc.
I even put a whole first paragraph on Meta being a anti-privacy company and how I use it only with an "empty" profile for having a look at it. But people were still only shitting on me for even trying it. That wasn't fun and wasn't the thing I wanted to talk about. So I deleted it. Very frustrating.
please don't take it personally
meta is a technology company and your content / network graph is only one part of it. as soon as you sign up, your browser is fingerprinted, cookies are set, typing speed analysed, and your usage behaviours tracked across the internet in ways that are difficult to avoid
facebook is a weapon against free society
I would encourage any readers to also watch The Social Dilemma to understand how billionaires use it to influence elections