"This is a follow-up release that fixes two issues in v1.9.11 with the included BurningMan accounting data store." "See https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/milestone/81?closed=1 for more details." Release notes "Now, you can clone existing offers while sharing its maker fee and security deposit." "The cloned offer can have a different price, payment method, currency, and trigger price. In this new release, Bisq starts quicker because light nodes don't process Burningman accounting statistics anymore. Further, dispute agents can resend PeerOpenedDisputeMessages to non-resposive peers." "See https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/milestone/80?closed=1 for more details." Improvements Allow cloning offers (with different price, payment method, currency, and trigger price) while sharing its maker fees and security deposits Don't process burningman accounting data by default Speed up burningman and statistics view loads Allow dispute agent to resend PeerOpenedDisputeMessage to non-resposive peer Prefer Burningmen's custom receiver address Burningman Accounting: Show total fees and total DPT Remove Burningman activation code (1, 2) Add gettransactions method to API getoffers (API): Return all offers instead of the only ones with a matching accounts Bug fixes Add SEPA Payment Account country: GI (Gibraltar) Allow leniency of 50% when validating trade fees. Increase fee limit for accounting data filter. Remove "Your computer was asleep" popup Remove one seednode from Wiz Update wiz's Bitcoin nodes clearnet IP Move to portfolio when clicked close in popup Fix NullPointerException when sorting columns with blank entries Use new burningman accounting file recreated from scratch. Development & Documentation Gradle version catalog: Fix broken gson version enforcement GitHub Actions: Enable Gradle Build Scans GitHub Actions: Run on all branches Update GitHub Actions: checkout (1, 2), gradle-build Add bisq2 Gradle Tor Plugin Migrate to JUnit 5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11) API "Starting with v1.9.0 you can use pre-built versions of the Bisq cli (bisq-cli-v1.9.11.zip) and Bisq daemon (bisq-daemon-v1.9.11.zip) to use Bisq without touching the user interface."