Do you think that jews hate hitler more than hitler hate the jews? i mean hitler was a hard working man, he managed to seemingly unite a whole country, he hadnt been exposed to the ideas of bitcoin and freedom proper so ended up leading them down the wrong path. but still, a man with a power like that, is probably not liked. and probably something the powers that be will do what they can to make look bad. because if it wasnt for the holocaust how would hitler been seen? he started a war? everyone does that. the big difference was the holocaust. and frankly when i read about it, it sounds far out. Its funny because people naturally congregate with like minded people and race. You often see white people marry white people, black people marry black people, asian people marry asian people so on so forth. people are naturally racist in that regard. they also tend to move in to neighbourhoods that are predominantly their own race, and use schools that are predominantly their own race. Hitler took this to the extreme it seemed. But now we are living in the opposite extreme. Where no culture is better than the other, seemingly not having a black friend means you are racist, so on so forth. I dont know where im going with this. See you later.