I love this topic. It's important and vastly under-discussed. I hate that he's just regurgitating the standard talking points to broach a subject that has been discussed at astounding length in many other disciplines / traditions.
From the "about" page:
Here’s nothing more than a few fresh angles to consider when thinking about Bitcoin.
Alas, there is literally nothing fresh here. Nothing. It's drawing from the same sources that 99% of btc content does.
I almost didn't post this because it comes across as mean, and I hate people being argumentative dicks. But I think it's important to beat the drum that for all the calls to "do your own research", when you're reading the same gospels and epistles to the Faithful as everyone else, that's not doing your own research. That's finding a tribe to be a part of and learning their cantos.
Suggestion: steelman something outside of btc "influencers" and outside of Austrian economics on the philosophy of money. How does that thinking intersect the accepted bitcoin narrative?