It's a source-routed anonymity network with similar purpose as Tor but exclusively uses source routing, like Lightning (and sphirx messaging), and in order to encourage people to provide relay service on the network, they can be paid, presumably enough to cover their costs and thus continue to operate and maybe even expand as user base grows.
There's a lot more I can say about it, such as enabling anonymous, low latency remote access to remote servers, paywalling content to collect fees both for relaying and to forward on to content creators, and even enabling in-band payments for access to wireless hotspots, and facilitate community aggregation of content and bandwidth capacity, creating greater efficiencies at the local level as well as protecting people's privacy.
That will be enough for now.
That sounds cool as hell I am going to check it out!
I gotta keep plugging away at it, the sooner I can get a simple testnet working, one without the lighting payment integration done yet, the sooner other people can see what it can do and we can start refining how it works further.
Like decoys, really need to be able to model what a "well heeled attacker" on the network can learn by the timing of messages, and to find and refine the algorithms that create patterns that quickly break traces. This is simple stuff that can be easily tested on a small testnet where you can be gathering signal timing and volume from each node and validate the evasion sufficiently obscures the endpoints of the messages.
Anyhow, the more the merrier. I know that once people see what this enables it's gonna be a hit, like Tor was when it first appeared. For me the hype faded fast when I realised it was garbage for SSH and media streaming. Even with UDP based Mosh SSH over Tor is like sticking needles under your fingernails.
Those things under tor have improved a lot but it is still painful. Things like SSH extra painful because so many points along the network path can fail and kill your session. I never realized SSH could have latency until I tried over tor. It was funny to type something in only for it to actually type out a minute or two later into the terminal. Media streaming is also why I don't use tor. It is actually very useful to surf youtube over tor because the algorithm is more likely to show you a raw feed of content. Great for discovering new stuff.
I want a solution that allows me to securely access things remotely without exposing my ports and services to the world. There are VPN solutions that are quick to install to resolve this but none are decentralized.