This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Trying to train GPT4All Falcon, its pretty regarded. Advice welcome
Found a stack of papers with seed phrases in a drawer I was cleaning out. Most were empty wallets but there were two with some shitcoins in them. Used to turn them into sats.
Someone posted about fixedfloat about a month ago which motivated me to get off my ass and get rid of all of the shitcoins I knew I had but was too lazy to exterminate. Today was a nice bonus.
It's my son's 13th birthday today. I still recall when he was around 6 and I used take him to the local park so we could throw and hit the ball a bit on the baseball diamond. There would always be a group of young teens there, trying to act cool. One day he said to me "teenagers give me a bad feeling". I laughed so hard.
So my plan for today and the next 2555 days is to troll him by reminding him of that. Haha, besides that we will be visiting my parent's house for a small bday gathering and bbq for him. He is a great kid, I can't believe how the years have flown by,
Howdy gang, the weekend is here and you know what that means, whales moving their assets and the like, so no fret and let them do their thing, Monday markets will resume and all will be back on track, for me I'll just DCA it and hodl. First day of summer vacations and I want to just relax today, prolly will go to the fair and enjoy a nice walk and some cotton candy. A ride or two just to giggle. Let's see what the tide brings, but first things first... Coffee being brewed and toast with butter in the oven almost ready. I wish you a fantastic day today and lots of success. Be the best that you can be, you are important, always. Be well and stay frosty my friend.
Helping my mom with yard work. Listening to Bitcoin pods on the drive down.
Solid on both fronts.
Thanks! Living my best life with better hope for the future with Bitcoin!
rehearsal today for the movie scene i'm shooting next week as part of a bitcoin themed feature film!
very cool
🎧 We did a Matariki special podcast episode with Bitkiwi Paul, Konrad Hurren and Troy. Matariki is a celebration in New Zealand of the time of Māori new year, during mid-winter. The episode goes deep into the universal language of value, the philosophy of mining, proof of work, and how it all connects.
Beaten by a snail…
Day 91 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
This comment was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
I'm a newbie how is shit working