By BTCIllustrated
Currently about 20% to 30% of hash power is running full-rbf – notably AntPool – so you no longer need to set nSequence. Just set mempoolfullrbf=1 in your bitcoin.conf on a well-connected Bitcoin Core node and publish it. You can also publish it via and both of which support full-rbf.
nsequence what?
That's like saying if I want to increase the volume on my android i need to do something like:
Um ... no. Well, technically that is correct. Somewhere, that is what the app I am using is doing under the hood, but I don't need to do setVolume() call to change the volume. I press something somewhere, and it does a setVolume().
Some thing here, for RBF. So the UX to do this will depend on what app I am using to send or spend.
These slides are great.
Looking forward to more of your content.
Thank BTCillustrated for that, i like his great content and post it
Going to need an update soon:
[bitcoin-dev] Full-RBF testing: ≥31% of hash power, ≥4 pools, is mining full-RBF #226399