According to a recent industry survey, more than one in four medium-sized companies in Germany (26%) are considering closing their businesses. Additionally, over one in five (22%) are contemplating relocating abroad. The main obstacles cited by entrepreneurs are excessive bureaucracy, high taxes and levies, and a shortage of skilled workers. The survey conducted by the Federal Association of Medium-Sized Enterprises highlights the need for reliable and predictable conditions for businesses. This trend raises concerns about the economy and job security for millions of people employed in the German Mittelstand.
Source: DIHK
I wonder if we'll be seeing more of this outside of germany too.
Covid untethered a company's employees from physical locations, why would a company with the means to move choose to stay?
The Eurocommies are the best merchandizers for the US or Asian competitors
Europeans in the future will just be foragers. And they will be happy.
The Dutch are really experienced with a special type of mushrooms...
Interesting. Where do you think German businesses would be looking to relocate to?
USA and Canada are getting their share especially from companies of the industrial sector. Seems that eastern Europe is the big winner. Ursula won't like it much
Interesting. Big blow to the EU and Germany losing them…
they have never got a peace treaty and no constitution it is still occupied
the occupiers put the most stupid imbeciles into politics there and ordered them to destroy the economy and the country. europe will fall with it
why: it was the major competitor