I support you in your fight for your right to not being vaccinated against your will, but I'm NOT OK with any kind of extremism.
The problem is that some people would consider it extreme to not get vaxxed.
Personally, I think it is extreme to force people to get vaxxed against their will, especially when the vax is less than a year old, only approved under emergency order, and doesn't have good data to back up its efficacy.
My point is that extremism is in the eye of the beholder. Many people will think you are extreme just for supporting Bitcoin (destroying the environment, right-winger, yada yada yada).
But I do understand what you're saying... there is a lot of cultish behavior, virtue-signaling, and shibboleths going on in certain segments of the Bitcoin community... I don't support that but people are free to interact how they choose. Bitcoin doesn't care