If you believe that everyone should have a place in Bitcoin, those you call extremists also have the right to express their ideas. Let's not forget that extremism is a subjective concept, what you may see as extreme could be completely normal to me. It's just my humble point of view.
I agree with your PoV on this, it's important to understand that Bitcoin is neutral and there's a place flr everyone, it's paradoxical that, I, as a libertarian (South American definition or libertarian) am against how some people express their ideas, but it's within my liberties to call them out if they are being irrational, wouldn't you say that's right as well?
IMHO, it would be like if I proclaim the same thing about vegan bitcoiners. If it's for everyone, everyone should have a voice, and that voice should be respected unless it advocates for the violation of natural rights, such as the right to life or the right to private property.
Oh no no, I didn't mean to say that people can't chose a way of living, I'm trying to say that there's no right way of living, and that people shouldn't be telling everyone else how they should live their life.
Vegans suffer from the same (and even more famously so) virtue signaling problem as carnivorous do, I used thise examples because they are the ones we are all seeing in Twitter, Nostr and other social media, I wouldn't be surprised if we get a wave of vegan Bitcoiners who say that Bitcoin mining could help reforestation could stop the farming industry or something outlandish like that.
This same point could have been made about anyone.