Everyone who has read white papers for this thing or that thing will be familiar with this, unless they are minimum B.Sc. in some CS or mathematics. I did a little with matrix math and similar in my advanced math class in school, but the teacher was abominable and the syllabus for this subject did not have as much "first principles" stuff as regular math (which included calculus and differential equations) or chemistry or physics, all of which had some type of algebra to learn. Boyle's law, atomic energies of activation, molecular weights, etc.
When you read a paper, that is literally basically needed for programmers to have a description of the algorithm to work with, if you can't read the bizarre set notation and various kinds of complex calculus notations used, if you are lucky, you can surmise it out of breadcrumbs of actual human natural language that explains the principle. Or you are wasting a lot of time on the few formulas that are critical, learning the specifics of the notation involved.
But if it were written instead in simplified english, aka "pseudocode", everyone would be able to access it, even less academic people would have a decent chance of catching the gist.
IMHO, this practise is elitism, and ironically excludes the most valuable and potentially innovative thinkers whose models are either textual or visual, and just plain excludes everyone who hasn't basically done at least a few months of basic advanced mathematics in college as part of a degree.
When it comes down to it, what is the purpose of inventing these algorithms?