This is just a simple question that may yield varying answers. What is Bitcpin whitepaper to you? In your own personal views.
Another proof that humans rather evolve technologically than biologically. (That may did sound more clever in my brain than written, lol)
Also, when I read the whitepaper, I already had a rough understanding of bitcoin so while reading it in 2020 or something, it was quite funny how "underwhelming" it was. No "this is going to change everything" or "end the fed" vibes
Just plain and simple words, lol (I know, not surprising for a white paper.)
Sometimes, I wonder if Satoshi believed that bitcoin would come so far
To me it's an example of a very complex idea simplified and clearly explained on a short, easy to read whitepaper.
Such a seminal work integrates different fields seamlessly: economics, game theory and cryptography.
It reflects the genius of satoshi for being able to clearly present the topic at hand, ruminating on it we are able to derive all the implications we saw across bitcoin history that the author was able to see preventively before implementation.
It's the financial Bible that never stop giving
The real declaration of independence, enforceable via code + game theory instead of guns + claim to authority