OK, so in the topic of shouting a beer, rounds, etc...
Most of the people that I know are happy to buy rounds, shout you a beer, etc.
But, from time to time, I get to know a new person that is very, very sneaky about this. In the sense that they would almost try to buy you something, but not doing it really.
How do you deal with that shit?
I just met a person, hanging out a couple of times, and definitely has been not paying their fair share. Like, probably "owning" 3-4 beers down after one or two times.
How do you deal with that kinds of stuff?
I'm planning to simply not buy that guy in particular a beer the next time we meet. Fair enough right? anyone else can get their round, but I'm not going to buy one for him in particular.
If everyone else is buying a round, call him out for the next one while the rest can hear you: "I think next one's on you". Works for me to push the less inclined. Also good to stress any rounds that are given: " I'm buying the first round" etc. If he still doesn't follow, don't buy for him. If he asks, tell him you didn't get a round from him yet, so you thought he wasn't drinking anymore or smth.