How will Bitcoin accelerate us there?
Bitcoin looks like the kinda money a T1 civilization would use.
I don't like the exact description of this scale, but type 1 is basically a civilization that's able to harness all of the energy available on the planet itself.
How will Bitcoin accelerate us there?
I see two clear mechanisms.
  1. Bitcoin mining can allow much higher base load energy generation, because when demand from other uses dips mining can pick up the slack. This means more demand for highly efficient and reliable hydrocarbons, geothermal, nuclear, and hydropower in urban areas.
  2. Bitcoin increases energy demand in sparsely populated places, because mining can hypothetically be done wherever there's an energy supply. This means there will be more demand for remote energy resources that cannot be economically delivered to population centers.
Nice response.
Also we need to get rid of the WEF/ESG neo nazis who are an enemy against human progress as well.
That's certainly true. My hope is that consumer sovereignty takes them out before Bitcoin gets a chance to, but we'll just have to wait and see.
Seeing what people are doing with their lives makes me think we might not ever get there
That's the Kardashian scale. We're already T1 for that
Do you mean dancing in tik tok. Yeah I think they mean dancing on tik tok.
oh i thought you meant people pretending to be NPC with canned responses on tik tok
We're a Kardashian type 0 civilization
It is an arbitrary and pointless number on a growth curve. There is nothing special about it.
Kardashev Clock was the other name I was considering for this site: