I think the days of seeing obscene gains are long gone, but I also think it's never felt more comfy than it does now.
Most FUD has been dispelled, it's easier than ever to self-custody, the competition successfully castrated itself (ETH's move to PoS), and 99.9% of people still don't get it (I estimate "true" Bitcoiners to be around 10M).
Let the golden times roll on.
I actually agree w/ your take re: obscene gains, but I'm wondering why, if you think 99.9% of people still don't get it, you think the days of obscene gains are over?
Yeah, I didn't phrase that well. What I should have said is that I'd be surprised to see Balaji-style explosive growth.
If Bitcoin becomes the dominant global currency then we're probably talking +$1M / coin in today's purchasing power. But I think that sort of market saturation will take decades, and that the days of getting a x10 or x20 return in a single year are gone IMO.
Or not. Maybe we get $500k Bitcoin next cycle lol. I try and tailor my expectations, as I'm in it for the long haul either way.
What do you mean gains? I gain less Bitcoin per US dollar now