The more I think about the "institutions" and ETF crap the more it just seems like they see a money making opportunity. They see a market. Boomers want bitcoin and they see an opportunity to throw their weight around and push the crypto exchanges to the sidelines with regulators. This is a often repeated pattern. They want to win market share by using the state's stamp of approval. I dont think they wanna destroy bitcoin but they also dont see it like we do. They wanna make dollars selling IOUs to boomers with a lot of money.
I also don't think these boomers get bitcoin. They see it as just another investment. This is especially true of the younger folks I know into "crypto". They see it as another way to make a quick buck. When I find out a friend is into crypto I ask questions and this is the most common thing I learn. I don't push or preach but almost always tell them I'm bitcoin only. If they ask why I tell them.
I had a friend of mine ask me when I said I used the CDC card to spend fiat gain crypto then convert it to BTC how I was ok knowing that between the time I walked into a pub the distance between the door and the bar my the value of my asset had fluctuated so dramatically that i was worth let's say 5k now I'm worth 0.5k. it was this that told me that we are still early and people just don't get it. It was an exaggeration ofcourse but it made a very obvious statement. The general public are clueless.