I became somewhat obsessed with this idea about a year ago. I wouldn't be of help on the technical side of things, but I have ideas and some sense of the market.
This idea of online sports betting with lightning fits reasonably under the umbrella of online gaming and eSports - especially "real money games" (RMGs).
An RMG is any online "game" (ie. Card games, betting, etc.) where participants contribute time and money in hopes of a greater ROI. Apparently, around last year RMGs captured nearly 50% of the online gaming market in India, mainly through online card games.
I summarized the following article for the Alby team (and added my own points) about lightning gaming, and it's future:
Here is a doc of my summary:
In the doc, I contend that, "Lightning can expand the potential for RMG by reducing the friction of payment flows"
Pretty straightforward.