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Surely this is a very special circumstance representing less than 1% of lightning payments, and why would a services of consumer facing devices provide functionality for special use cases? Surely the invoicer told you about this hash requirement before asking for payment, and surely you Emailed WoF BEFORE you did the transaction so you understood whether or not that wallet provides that information.
These are rhetorical questions?
Do they really not provide a way to see the prehash?
Did you not understand anything I said? You are using a DUMB app and asking it to do sometihig SMART.
Are you DUMB or SMART? Because if you're smart you'd have E-mailed the developer, and IF they didn't provide a sufficient response, you could then seek further assistance elsewhere, but, EVEN THEN, why would you do anything other than find a wallet that does that you need and move to that for this payment which you apparently need to do regularly. YOU are not the average user. You are DEMANDING a developer design things to your ant fuck use case. I had literally not even recalled or heard of a prehash of a lightning payment before and I use lightning regularly.
ignore this dumb idiot
but do use a different wallet provider. Phoenix provides tx details
you literally gave him the same advice, "use a different wallet" Why would you suggest that, other than for the reasons I suggested, that WoS was built for ease of use to the basic consumer. I certainly expressed that rather abrasively, but only because I feel grumpy and don't appreciate the entitlement of the original poster. "Surely they don't want me to send an email to support each time I need the payment hash, right?"
your advice was good, just abrasive as you say
the OP is quite justified in wanting the payment hash, it's not an uncommon use case, I've needed it myself to prove a transaction occurred
of course as providers of a free service we can't bash WoS devs for not providing this, nor chog up their support inbox
better to use a better wallet.
what makes phoenix better?