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"The public debt in the Eurozone has slightly decreased" That seems like doublespeak. Why would you write that here? The debt to GDP ratio slightly decreased, but the debt increased.
It's because the GDP grew nominally
public debt is not a ratio of public debt to GDP. that's self referential. public debt is some nebulous discreet amount of euros owed to creditors by the public.
I always put public debt in relation to the GDP to make it comparable to other states. I guess, 99.9% of economists would be d'accord. But of course I know that the GDP measure like inflation is manipulated.
You do not write to a room of economists, therefore to write in jargon misses your audience, both in intent and in perception.
Ok. Tell me, where I should elaborate on somewhat deeper? I would like to make my point on public debt clear because it will be important later on in the credit cycle.
In colloquial english the phrase "public debt" refers to the amount of nominal debt owed by a government, and NOT the ratio of nominal debt to whatever GDP is.