He is a heroe, for sure it would be wrong if he stayed more than 3 terms but the fact is el salvador picked right when they voted for him, let me explain.
The previous gangs were all mixed with the goverment, he was an outsider but unlike trump which was stupid and in the end a bourgeois asshole which didn't do anything in his presidency other than lowering the taxes for the rich, didn't handle the pandemic like bukele did and reversed some necessary climate laws.
Not only were the previous goverments old dinosaurs debating old conflicts like communism vs capitalism but they were ingrained with the gangs, the fmln were relics from the soviet times and the side that supported the right were supported with guns and money from the cia, bukele cleaned all that shit and if for some reason the cia destroys his goverment he will be persecuted by the old corrupted politicians.
bourgeois liberals are scared bukele is a man of action, liberals like to make everything bureacratic and slow but for people that read the sovereign individual they know efficiency is what matters in the modern world and if we get a system like for example laws were made by ai this would replace normal democracy or mix it, bukele is a technologist he knows how important technology is and how fast technology changes society so el salvador knows they can't be voting for boomers that don't understand how copy & paste works in modern computers, the tech iliteracy from old politicians hurt society a bit too much and bukele knows this which is the reason he is inviting anyone to come to el salvador.
In the end all the economys from the first world are reaching economic stagnation while el salvador is a small young country with the hope of a great future so yeah bukele is an amazing leader that cannot easily be copied.