We are excited to unveil a new method to distribute Worldcoin to the community. A simple reward system based on connecting your home camera security systems.
Fairness at its Core Worldcoin is committed to fairness and transparency. Our unique approach rewards individuals who switch on a dedicated device to collect anonymous private metadata from at least one of their home camera systems, ensuring that every participant receives fair compensation for their contribution. The provable open source encryption scheme sends face recognition and walk patterns fully anonymized, to our secure servers.
High-Growth Potential Worldcoins innovative model is designed for substantial growth. As more users join the network and actively participate, the potential rewards grow exponentially. The more engaged the community becomes, the greater the growth prospects for Worldcoin. We anticipate a thriving ecosystem driven by user empowerment and privacy protection. Every individual your camera sees and anonyously adentifies increases your earnings.
As we look ahead, our trajectory promises exciting milestones and expansion opportunities. With a relentless focus on user-centric development and community involvement, we are confident that Worldcoin will establish itself as a leading force in the cryptocurrency landscape. Achieving an order of magnitude better decentralisation of ownership than likes of Ethereum or Bitcoin. Opt for earning your money, not buying it.
For more information about Worldcoin and its revolutionary approach to data privacy and high-growth potential, please visit Worldcoin.org
Worldcoin is a leading tech company, committed to connecting real people and blockchain technology. Through Worldcoin and other groundbreaking solutions, we aim to redefine the money.
worldcoin.org Hello stackernews, this is @sama Sam Alt(coin)man