Will it be entertaining? Can they attract content creators? Can they find non-bitcoin users? They have a tough road ahead, but I'm bullish. They're trending in the opposite direction of Reddit, Twitter, and Threads. That's a value proposition itself, and when bitcoin monetizes, you suddenly have a bunch more money there, more well to do people, businesses, an even better platform for content creators, desirability. Nostr is more important than many bitcoiners know, and there's no reason for them not to be posting their original takes on Nostr before copy/pasting them elsewhere, instead of the other way around. Nostr is a work in progress, and isn't a platform that needs to right away attract a bunch of users. Nostr is one of the coolest fucking things ever built over bitcoin, period.
It is a new budding protocol and attracting more and more users everyday. Dot not be confused that it is not built over bitcoin network. If I understand your comment properly.