Well for one people aren't always static in their thinking. The term progressive is very broad and encompasses many very intelligent and / or sincere people. Bitcoin is for everyone but most don't realize this. I don't know a single person that I respect that has remained static in their thinking over their lifetime. Don't write a whole swath of the population off. Sure, there are plenty of people that don't have the capacity for critical thought but I for one don't believe this is the case for the whole of progressives.
Another point is that appealing does not always require compromise. Finding common ground is going to be one of the key strategies toward progress. I don't need my mechanic to have the same world view that I do. I need a skilled and honest mechanic. Same goes for many things. The obsession with making everything political is a poison in society.
Progressivism is a religion that seeks the make the personal political.
My view is that a Bitcoin is for anyone if they want it, and that I don’t care if progressives do or don’t want it.
Bitcoin doesn’t need them, or me for that matter.