I still get the impression that most progressives believe inflation is mainly driven by "corporate greed", so I don't bother with any argument that is inflation related.
Progressives are also no longer particularly anti-war, so preventing money-printed war funding isn't an argument I use either.
The argument I make with progressives kind of relates to point 4. I have an extremely controversial chronic illness that basically made it impossible for me to work any job. Even if I had found an employer willing to accommodate me I doubt I could have done much of anything. I could, however, slowly write code and stare at data and charts. And Bitcoin/crypto are one of the few if not the only industries that freely share data that can be analyzed for trading purposes. So that's how I make my living. I would be dead without Bitcoin. And after a 15ish year period of severe disability, I'm recovered to the point where I can start living something of a life again. Progressives find this very compelling.
I think there are many other ways an open and private financial system can help people with controversial disabilities, but trading is how I've been able to take advantage of it.