As long as you can prove that a block is going to be propagated to every node in the world within the standard set of time that blocks are mined (which is sometimes 1 hour sometimes 1 second so it can be difficult to say how long between blocks you want a reorg to be possible. Could seriously increase 1 block reorg frequency by increasing block propagation time.
ohhhh so what he is saying here is if everyone had internet fast enough (1 gb uptime maybe) you could greatly reduce the time between blocks without significantly increase block reorgs because propagation would occur so much faster. This would increase tx through put. Thanks for the answer, that makes alot more sense.
I saw this clip today and I cant quite wrap my head around what Elon means. Is this mechanic real? I can't understand how higher bandwidth could mean more base layer transactions. He is talking about a hypothetical about a different crypto currency. What i want to know is does this actually make sense? (Sorry, I know this is a strange way to ask a question but i'm new and couldn't figure out how to ask my question in the post with the clip.)
Lol oh yeah.
This basically goes back to blocksize wars discussion, but ultimately, smaller blocks higher fees, with most transactions happening off-chain (on-chain fee being shared by multiple people I think is the goal here) is what won out.
well in this clip I think he is more talking about reducing the time between blocks without increasing reorgs because propagation would be so much faster if everyone on the network had 1gb upload speeds rather then increasing block size.