Here I have looked at the statistics page of the Bureau of Labour Statistics for you for the USA government:
On this site each month you can get an update about the labour market (the indicators I mentioned above) and also indicators like wages.
If you look for “monthly data or monthly statistics labour market USA” on that site you should be able to download Excel spreadsheets with all the data of past months since Covid or beyond Covid. You will then see the pattern.
This data is available for most countries in the world but you have to go to the statistics sites of say Spain, Portugal etc to find the data. For Europe you need to go to the European Central Bank’s statistics site or the European Statistics bureau.
USA You will see that unemployment in USA is ridiculously low. Compared to other nations in the world. Many people are working two jobs. These could be crappy jobs that pay low. But below 5% unemployment is great.
It means that only 5 out of the people that wanted to work (labour force) is not working. The other 95 are.
But the participation rate tells another story. This says who is leaving the labour market completely. If you see participation rate dropping it means people are leaving the labour market completely.
Macro economy is awesome. Global macro economy is more awesome.
The more you understand Macro economy and global Macro economy (what is happening in regions, in countries), not only labour market, the more you will understand about why you need to stack sats!!!!
Just one example: the USA economy debt ratio (debt divided by income) is close to 129%.
And this figure will influence the unemployment rate for sure during next 10 years. You have to pay the debt back. And when you can’t pay, it will impact your economy which will go down. And that will lead unemployment rate to increase.
Sats will grow in value on the long term. That single figure deb ratio of 129% tells us that on the long run the USA economy has some bigger risks.
But that is another discussion. For another time.
So don’t be scared!!! Educate yourself on what is happening. Understand what money is and keep stacking sats and you will be good. Whatever happens on the labour market you will be good.