We have a few. I'll list them here. If you'd like more, please comment here and we'll created a GH issue.
  1. ctrl+enter - submit any post/comment/form
  2. ctrl+k - link in markdown fields
  3. ctrl+i - italics in markdown fields
  4. ctrl+b - bold in markdown fields
  5. ctrl+alt+tab - real tab in markdown fields
@sn please add to the FAQ when you get a chance
Is it possible to add two more for navigation?
  1. Goto next article
  2. Goto the previous article
I guess these would be context dependent on which list/feed you are arrived at the current article from? Thanks for considering. :-)
I don't see why not. I'm not a big shortcut guy. Do you know which keys are commonly used for that kind of thing?
I don’t have a strong preference. I’m biased towards VI-like commands, so my natural inclination would be to use some combination with j and k to jump up and down. In my news RSS app for NextCloud it’s the left/right arrow keys to navigate. In gmail it is g+n and g+p. As far as I know there isn’t a standard but happy to be corrected.
I am biased towards vi-like commands, too
I think if we add this for power users, we might as well use "power user key bindings" too. ctrl+j for previous post and ctrl+k for next post for example.
i'm trying to bold my words