Thanks for the thoughtful answer. I'm curious how btc has manifested in this powerful way for you?
If it wasn't for bitcoin, I would probably be dead now. Bitcoin changes the power dynamics and places me closer to the position I believe I deserve in society.
This could be a very literal statement (e.g., you made a bunch of money investing in btc and now you're in a better position) or it could mean something else.
During these years I've been doing therapy, retreats, workshops, reading books, having rest time for myself and other things in order to heal myself. Without quitting the job, with only 2-3 weeks of vacation per year, I couldn't have had the necessary time to do any of these things. Basically, I was trapped in the hamster wheel and I couldn't see any way out. By now, I guess that I would have probably either killed myself out of desperation or died because of some disease due to stress and despair. That's how bitcoin has helped me on a more concrete level.
On a more abstract level, bitcoin provides an anchor to reality. The clown world covers its lies with even bigger lies each time, and that system keeps working as long as enough people believe the lies. Bitcoin allows me to remind myself of what truly matters.