I wrote it in day max 10 minutes. Lol. It went out easily and I was kind like in the zone.
Most of the time when you are in the zone time stands still!! Everything comes out naturally.
Yes zapping sats by just looking at a thing or somebody might be cool. Thanks. And also your link about the micro or nano. I did not know. Will look into that.
The smaller the better.
As to zapping by just looking imagine Apple Vision or the Oculus Quest VR headset.
I saw something like WebVR a framework or protocol on top of html that works for most VRs. If you could embed this concept of 1 sat in there it means we enter the world of VR now with sats!
I look at you sword in a game and I buy it. Some sats.
Gaming: I play population one. There are many people playing it. If we would just change the points you get into sats you see now it becomes a real challenge.
So also for gaming industry and VR we could use sats and the micro.
Stacker.news: could you just create a feature that records when I started this post and when I pressed reply?
And also add the number of letters of this post at the top?
My chatgpt model can then pick it up and use it.
This post took about 5 minutes. 300 seconds to write.