How far can the yield of play to earn be taken?
Zebedee has a game called "wheel of trivia" that is pretty close to watching ads for sats and the game being just a few interruptions to ensure the players attention.
How far can this go? Can I get an app that is literally just 100% ads? Could devs make a game where I can pay to skip ads - or would that be too close to a fiat-Bitcoin exchange that would require kyc?
Great question! And I'm not sure.
Instead of watching ads you could try doing microtasks on Stak ( You complete tasks in return for sats! Much better than watching ads imo.
You can pay for 'No Ads' in Bitcoin Bounce and Turbo 84!
Well, the profit for the developers has to come from somewhere - and the players either pay or recieve. If players want to recieve the options left are fairly limited...