Trust him and start saving. Talk to him about using cold storage to start building Your own treasury. A good entry point to understand why btc will be important in Your future is learning about money, its history and how it is in trouble nowadays. Will be a great journey if You start studying this together with Your dad. Try use Youtube and other social media channels to accumulate knowledge. And do it always together with Your family to get best advice.
Welcome, friend. And enjoy it. There will be a lot of surprising stuff about politics, culture and history to learn that makes You advance rapidly.
My dad and I learned about currency devaluation, and I hope Bitcoin's value keeps going up.
It will but try to not focus on short term price in dollars. Over your life it will be the safest place to park your life energy.
If You really understood this point about debasement and You go on learning about Fiat money and the debt spiral You already won! But: You need to learn about the tough times when there is a crash (time to buy more), the volatility to stomach the downside. And You should study the ecosystem like the Lightning Network.