Let's say your dad offered you a choice: an allowance of $50 a month, or $1 million I'm monopoly money... I assume you'd take the $50. The reason is that literally anyone can print monopoly money; it's worth only the paper it's printed on. The US dollar is harder to produce. The paper is of higher quality, but more importantly, if the government catches you printing dollars, you'll go to prison. Monopoly money is easy to produce, dollars are hard to produce (or at least harder)
Funny thing about the dollar (or the euro or whatever) is that the government often finds reasons to print more of them. This causes prices to rise as a growing number of dollars is divided over a relatively constant amount of stuff that people want to buy. The dollar is way better than monopoly money, but it's still too easy to print more dollars.
The reason bitcoin is important is because it's much harder to make than the dollar. No one can arbitrarily decide to make more bitcoins.
It'll take time to understand all these things but you're way ahead of other kids your age and kudos to you for trying.
Also, stay away from things that sound like bitcoin sorta, but have different names. Those will get you into trouble. There's a term for them but you should ask your dad about that.
Don't people realize that the government is printing money, and prices are going up? I watched a Tuttle Twins episode about this and it makes sense. And I also will stay away from "crapcoins."