Liquid is, to me, one of the most fascinating parts of the btc ecosystem. Blockstream has been so far ahead of the game in building out ecosystem components that will eventually be important. It's interesting to imagine the kinds of institutions that will be in play, and how all the different layers and aggregates will interact.
Strange they've been around forever and are yet to attract any network effects. I was never that open to Liquid until recently. I downloaded Blockstream Green after reading this. I'm going to explore that ecosystem a bit.
It's a fair critique. I put this in the bucket of "building infrastructure for demand that doesn't exist yet." This is generally a bad idea even for much simpler things than btc, because the world is complicated and trying to get in front of something as foreign and revolutionary as btc seems basically impossible.
But Blockstream has been building, methodically and with great focus, stuff that will be needed to get btc to level 3, assuming that it gets to level 2. It's like they're skipping a whole level. I think someone in the ecosystem has to think this way, and I'm glad they are. (I'm also very glad most of the action is on more immediate concerns.)