Thanks Fren!
It works for precoiners and Bitcoiners.
If you or a friend are interested, I offer up to a 25% discount on a yearly plan by paying in Bitcoin. There's also the standard 10% discount on monthly plans paid in Bitcoin.
Others do media, mining, or run nodes but I help people get fit and build healthier habits that compound over time.
A noble pursuit. I think you potentially have a great brand here. I would register the name Proof of Work Fitness and get a logo designed. You can start with the bitcoin community but I think proof of work spans much broader than the bitcoin community. Plus you have the memetics of the association between proof of work and fitness.
Just like people who love to be associated with the peloton lifestyle, the pilates/yoga lifestyle, the crossfit lifestyle, people will love to be associated with proof of work lifestyle. It could be a viral thing. People are already posting their workouts/lifts and hashtagging proof of work.
Thank you for taking the time to help me with your business coaching. I'm going to work on the name and logo now.
Any ideas come to mind for a logo?
I have used this service before
You can choose the style of logo's you like, colour schemes, fonts etc. Once you find one you like you can do some of your own editing to it for sizing and colour etc.
Then they give you some options for purchase.
Even if you don't get exactly what you want, you can get some good ideas of what you like and then take those ideas to a designer if that's the route you want to go but for a solopreneur startup an AI generated logo should be fine to get off the ground.