No one gives a fuck about that. We are transitioning to a trustless system.
Does BoA or Chase have a good reputation? Does Chrysler have a good reputation after getting bailed out by American taxpayers then immediately after selling the whole company to Europe?
We don’t need to trust or have “reputation” if we can verify.
Also debt = trust. Fuck your credit score.
No one gives a fuck about that. We are transitioning to a trustless system.
I wish this was true.
The truth is, Tor is niche enough in society and alternatives are even more niche.
If you want "We are transitioning" you need to achieve both 1. Increased interest of society at large and 2. Increase interest of the privacy focused community.
Would be nice to not transmit bitcoin and lightning transactions over the clearnet, connecting keys and locations together... There's enough bitcoin nodes being intentionally used to track the origin points of transactions to narrow it down after a few repeats. Come to that, why should I ever give away my geolocation to any website at all????
Use tor all the time!
What I’m saying is no one should care about “reputation” of tor. Everyone should use it especially for nodes
I don't use Tor all the time because it is slow, because several important sites I use don't work with it and in general it throws up a lot of roadblocks in its intended use case of web proxy.
I was very enthusiastic about Tor in the early days, and tried running SSH, streaming media and IRC systems over it. For long lived and high bandwidth use cases it is a disaster. Even if you use Mosh instead of straight SSH over Tor it's still gonna randomly disconnect during a session and cost you another 5 minutes trying to get it started again.
This is not new to me, it's why I started to get the notion of what Indra is back 10 years ago before Tor was even 5 years old. Back in the days when not every site had SSL yet. Tor, and I2P, these are both targeted at web services, which is a whole different messaging pattern to long lived interactive sessions and low latency streaming. The applications simply don't know how to cope with such an unreliable connection that gives zero clue of a breakdown in the path, and takes minutes to get around to reestablishing it.
It's not a very reliable connection. They have kicked the can down the road a bit with the PoW on hidden services but the architecture of it just isn't anything like a fit to the p2p traffic model. It was built for web services without streaming/gossip messaging underpinning the function of the network.