"Don't be evil"
This covert takover of HTTP has been in the arc of Google's actions for over a decade.
welp, was fun while it lasted.
Here is the Github repository
And this ticket includes a response from the maintainer about the objective of WEI
Of course use any (known not very effective) anti sybil/spam technique, except money, because, you know, all money is phoney, tomorrow there could be 2x as much out there.
I won't miss the mainstream web. The cookie notifications are already becoming so tired.
Everything we know comes from what is presented to us first by text book, which we automatically assumed to be the truth of our world and now by the internet. Just imagine how easy it would be for everything we know to be completely false because money keeps the internet so dishonest. Everyone wants as much as possible for doing as little as possible. Morality is extinct. Everything we assume to be true is word of mouth from some one else, but they care more about sharing true information, and giving an honest perspective then a pice of paper backed by a bank with a zero balance fight???????
I guess this is to limit users using ad blockers for example, but then it could be much worse.
Internet is already shitty and soulless and has been for a long time. Can't search for a simple question about video games anymore without either getting articles written by bots or 30 minute videos from stupid influencers. This will only serve to make the internet even more shitty and dead.
I guess I should thank Google. You made real life cool again because you made the internet such shit.