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Had to throw in Russian war criminals right? I imagine you think the USA is different?
No I don't think that, the atrocities and torture videos piling up on the darkweb are a little concerning though. It's like them, the cartels, and Boko Haram are in a competition.
I'm not excusing anything. But don't call the pot black when you are the kettle. This war could've been over in 1 month, but NATO told the Ukrainians to keep fighting and dying.
Sudonaka, when your neighbor walks into your home uninvited, do you offer him the master, your kid's room, or the kitchen?
when your old rival from across the oceans sets up nuclear weapons right next door to you, and threatens to set them up even closer and closer each year, all while calling you the aggressor- and the rival goads on the slaughter of your people in those neighboring countries- what do you do?
Nuclear capable subs can easily get closer than land missiles, and we've had minute-man (mach 23) missiles since the early 70s. We've had tactical nukes in both Turkey and Romania since the 80s. The "weapons getting closer" thing is an excuse. Think about what you're asking Ukraine to give up to end the war (it wouldn't end anything), and ask for what reason anyone should trust a dictator's handshake? Didn't Neville Chamberlain try that? The one-man system of government is killing them. Russia has made friends with countries that don't share a common language or culture, and enemies with those that do. The future of Russia (their young people) don't care about their grandfather's Soviet Union, they want jobs, and want to flourish. Taking Ukraine will NEVER work, just like taking Afghanistan never did for Russia or the US. Russia's demographics and cost of capital were already terrible before the young people fled while the rest are getting killed or PTSD'd into oblivion.
Deep state drivel.
Just like USA/China etc, you can't "defeat" Russia, a nuclear armed power. There must be a diplomatic solution.
Furthermore, the abuse and killing of over 14,000 Donbas civilians since the VIOLENT CIA-BACKED COUP in 2014 justifies action. Imagine if American ex-pats or dual citizens were being killed in Mexico or Canada by the government.
The government of Ukraine supports and is deeply involved with Extreme right wing groups that punish any dissent. Elections are now suspended in Ukraine.
Just like in Yugoslavia, the borders must be redrawn on Ethnic lines to achieve peace. The people of Crimea and Donbas are majority Russian and if you actually cared about "democracy" you would respect their wishes.
Stop advocating for more death you genocidal maniac