I thought about making the switch especially if apple deleted Damus but then I remember all the struggles I had with all types of bitcoin nodes and hard wallets and how much of a pain it is to fix something. My CLN node still has 4 pending channels that no one knows how to fix. Opened a ticket on GitHub and created a 1M sat bounty on this very site and still got little support. Now if I break or brick my iPhone I know I can go to the Apple Store and get pretty good support for my issue. This the one thing that freedom hardware and tools have yet to solve robust troubleshooting and support. Directing people to telegram is not a support solution.
While yes apple and it’s Wall gardens suck but just think about all the resources they put into customer service and making the mobile experience so easy.
The interference that companies like Apple, Microsfot, Google, Dell, Oracle, etc, have had on the innovation in the industry is the reason why so few provide good service or good products. They keep a lid on innovators and try to use every trick possible to buy them up or shut them down. Copright is at the centre of it and every cent you give to them on the basis of that perversion of law is keeping the competition down.
What makes for good products and good services is competition. Doesn't take much to look good if you keep the alternatives in the shade.
I understand your point and to add apple made it impossible for independent shops to repair their devices. But Bitcoin has a serious customer service and support issue. And until that is fixed with whatever smart phone the powers to be will be hard to defeat.
Once Risc-V reaches 1.0 there will be a whole swarm of little tech companies building on the platform, so it's only a matter of time before these devices are as cheap as they should be. Apple's fantastic stock performance is all about their monopoly premium. With equally good quality stuff made for half the price they will be forced to open up just like Microsoft now has had to fully integrate Canonical's system into their systems because nobody runs web servers on Windows!