The most unrealistic thing from the ex-machina movie was that the guy who invented and worked on this amazing new thing was actually an alcoholic.
No way you can do all that work while drinking and being hung over.
Good points. In an attempt to devils advocate, he may have become that AFTER his success.
The hedonistic treadmill is such that having all the sex, land and privacy he wanted, he may have gotten extremely bored.
Also, just realized the drunkeness explains his lapse in security, making her too smart and not black boxed somehow until verifiable alignment.
Personally, i have a technique against that.
You honestly can't think of one successful alcoholic? It's not good for you, obviously, but there have definitely been some hard working and prolific drunks. Here's an article that lists a few.
Note how pretty much all of them are not in exact sciences like math or physics, software, etc.
Riiiiiiight.... so they must mean Buzz Aldrin the painter, then?
Wasn't it common for people to drink A LOT back during the space program ?
You're telling me the ruskies were not alcholics.
I agree with you in general, and personally.
Oh and
Upon his return to earth, with seemingly little left to accomplish in life, his life deteriorated. Under the weight of depression and alcoholism, his marriage fell apart, and he withdrew from friends and family.
He became an alcoholic after coming back from the moon. No similar success story after that.