Then I must have misunderstood this part:
For the BMM/BIP-301 part, again the surface is very small, but we arguably do not need that at all, since anyprevout (once that is merged) enables blind merge-mining in way that is probably better than BIP-301, and that soft-fork is also very simple, plus already loved and accepted by most of the Bitcoin community, implemented and reviewed on Bitcoin Inquisition and is live on the official Bitcoin Core signet.
Or is BMM not the same thing as drivechains?
A drivechain uses BMM for consensus. But the other important part of a drivechain is the hashrate escrow, which controls the transfer of BTC between the drivechain and the mainchain (one implementation of hashrate escrow is BIP-300). APO can do BMM but cannot do the hashrate escrow.
Ah ok, interesting, thanks for clarifying!