As time continues to progress forward we notice that it's getting harder and harder to get our hands on various items and truly own them, from various objects in "our" homes, financial wealth, personal data, land, etc.
Thankfully Bitcoin came into existence and allowed individuals to take back a lot of their financial wealth into their control, where at the very least they can resist a hostile takeover of it.
Another thing to be thankful for is that now there's an ever-growing movement toward taking control of your personal data and digital possessions, where most free and paid online services have your as the product, mining data from you to know how and what to sell you, sell that data to other entities, know how to manipulate you to have certain thoughts or take certain actions, and potentially use it against you.

What's The New Normal?

In the past, a lot of people had this thought process of "ugh... I have to get this X to get this Y that I want?", where "X" had been an internet router, a PC, a mobile phone, etc, and "Y" was looking stuff up online, use whatever useful software, or make calls and use google maps for example. People would complain about having to get a new thing and familiarize themselves with it, that is until everyone had it in their homes/possessions, then it became normal, even expected.
What's going to be the new normal (or at least I hope)? The first thing would be that every individual in every household would have their own mini-server, their own Cloud (for myself, I have a Pi with Umbrel), where they'd store their data like images, videos, audio, and text, use various non-intrusive/invasive software, and use security to protect all of what's inside it.
Secondly, people would stop using current data-hungry tech like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, Twitch, etc, and use alternatives that don't even care who you are like Nostr.
Thirdly, once the first two become commonplace, a lot of the convenience we're used to currently from using mainstream products would be here in this new normal as well, and most likely even better.
The new normal is having your own server at home. It's having control over your financial wealth. It's having control of your own data. It's having the ability to resist and having enough power now to push for taking control back of other items that we don't have anymore. The new normal is that you'll own everything that is rightfully yours and be happy.
As there is now an internet wireless router in every house, there will be a personal cloud server in every house too. I'll be doing my part and helping family and friends get set up and be ready for this new normal that empowers the individual.
Why do you people want to remain completely anonymous in your online identities so badly?
I never really understood this. What are you guys hiding?
I am not pro-KYC to purchase bitcoin by any means, but there should be identity requirements and verifications for social media profiles and apps like tindr and dating apps and what not. Not having them in place can put people in danger and people can pretend to be whoever the want.
The bitcoin maxi crowd is literally the fucking worst when it comes to claiming everyone who private messages them is a scammer yet they never want to give their real name or information. Why? What are you hiding?
As there are dangers to anonymity, there are dangers to being public.
What's the actual solution? Have the choice of both, decided by the person themselves.
I have this account, I have another personal account, and I have a public professional account. One is anonymous, another is semi-anonymous, and the third is public.