I hope you understand that the word "ossified" is a psychological attack on bitcoin's by necessity conservative design.
It's the same garbage as big blocks.
The whole basis of this thing is that "bitcoin can't process enough transactions". Have you all been living under a rock the last 5 years never heard of Lightning? Or even used it?
It doesn't need a token. It's clearing more payments now than the chain, by a degree of magnitude, at least. It not only achieves throughput but it's pretty private too, when compared to broadcast based chain transactions.
Before you race to change the chain, maybe you should consider learning how Lightning works and why it doesn't need a goddamn TOKEN and why you don't need speculative assets on a ledger that holds the most inelastic supply of money ever seen by humanity.
Ethereum as a system is so delicate it needs constant massage by its ponzi operators, talking about it like it has any credibility is pretty hilarious. It has hard forked more times than most people do their laundry in their whole life.
It is absolutely laughable that you think that calling Bitcoiners who don't want stupid speculative assets on a simple money ledger racists. Literally saying we are xenophobic.
I mean, by all means, continue with your nonsense crusade. You don't get what Bitcoin is about and thankfully enough people do, and won't upgrade to support unnecessary features that just complicate and degrade the reliability of a perfectly good system.
Did you even read what i wrote ?
I hope you understand that the word "ossified" is a psychological attack on bitcoin's by necessity conservative design.
I literally said some ossification is good, i am aware of this and i am not using it in the BSV or bitcoin cash sense.
The whole basis of this thing is that "bitcoin can't process enough transactions".
Now i know you did not read my article. That is not my argument AT ALL.
of Lightning? Or even used it?
NOT RELEVANT. YES I HAVE. I mention it in the article which i suggest you read before commenting. It's clumsy and not user friendly. It's also requires custody. Several downsides.
It doesn't need a token.
My article is not about needing a token. Are you lost ?
Lightning works and why it doesn't need a goddamn TOKEN and why you don't need speculative assets on a ledger that holds the most inelastic supply of money ever seen by humanity.
You are literaly the caricature of Empire i'm outlining in the article.
Ethereum as a system is so delicate it needs constant massage by its ponzi operators, talking about it like it has any credibility is pretty hilarious. It has hard forked more times than most people do their laundry in their whole life.
I refer several times to it as a shitcoin. A shitcoin with a lot of capital and goodwill that could have been in Bitcoin. We are losing Bitcoiners to their bad experiences with ETH because A drivechain version is not live pointing at that WE can do the same things IT can do, if we wanted (which most don't).
and won't upgrade to support unnecessary features that just complicate and degrade the reliability of a perfectly good system.
You do not understand market choice and the innovations it drives. Some people want features some do not. DriveChain creates an environment for the hidden hand of the market to create things we can't even imagine, without compromising bitcoin. It's not perfectly good, or we wouldn't need to keep doing upgrades and softforks. If your confidence in that statement is anything less than 100%, and it should be or you don't understand software, then you are a DriveChain supporter and just don't know it. If you enjoy a type of tomato sauce your wife/partner or sibling does not enjoy, you support DriveChain, and don't know it yet.