What do you think?
ESG can go fuck itself. It's already a neutered tiger at this point, with energy concerns and wars around the world forcing it to get "Un-woke" real fast. It's like a pet initiative high society and old boys clubs are indulging their wives in so they let them sleep around the rest of the year.
Much rests on Bukele and his team creating a culture and institution that can survive him leaving. Ideally he would stick with the constitution and not run again, for instance. He could support someone else who is like minded and trustworthy from his party to run, having the 90% of voter approval shift from a cult of personality (however deserved, it is) to one invested in the countries systems. Then run himself as a senator or whatever the members are called in the upper chamber. That is the sign of a great statesman , and that is what they built in America, Britain and even places like Ghana, Mexico.
Fuck the cartels. Keep them locked up. If it was me i would feed those bastards every two days. Before Human rights, all laws are based on biblical restitution. Before Biblical law exists Natural Law. These are animals with every right to be locked up, based on Natural Law. Should it be the state doing it ? Probably not. But the hard truth of practicality with animals and humans is: a hard hand is needed.
Notice i said practicality and not principals. With a situation preceding Bukele, so inhumane, human rights are meaningless. with a situation so stable because of him, commerce and growth can take place.
The bonds will be appealing despite the MSM and NGO attacks (Cia media attacks) because everyone and their mother knows these assholes deserve it, deserve worse. If the stability lasts, it will be as worthwhile an investment as any in any thrid world country, slightly better for its pro-bitcoin policies.
What you are asking me is if the 70,000 criminals locked up without due process is worth the drop in crime and lives saved. In the case of ES, Yes.
Is the less than 2000 wrongly imprisoned people, worth the drop in crime and death. Yes. they will be release and hopefully compensated for the mistake.
Is the 164 dead during the entire operation worth the drop in crime. Yes.
I would take those very low odds of being falsely imprisoned, myself , if it meant safer street and a positive business environment. Think of all the people alive now who can be productive and enjoy this new El Salvador.