I say this because if you have no value to provide another, you’re a net drain on society. Even if you have money, you need to provide value to maintain that money over time. I think is especially true on a bitcoin standard.
If the money wasn't having its value syphoned up by rentiers and usurists, you wouldn't have to work just to compensate for all of that inability to count on the cash being worth something when you've got something worth spending it on.
If you can't even have a two week holiday every year your money might be robbing you.
Don't you think people in day jobs instead of building their own business can be a net gain for society?
exactly. As I included in the post, if you want to PRESERVE your stack, and hodl all of it for 20+ years, then you HAVE to work in order to meet your monthly personal expenses. Otherwise you would be spending your stack the whole way. By working enough to at least cover your expenses, you are living below your means, and providing value through proof of work.