Video platforms are tricky due to their massive infrastructure costs. What are some of the best options we have out there, and are any of them Bitcoin related?
Could something new be designed on top of lightning and nostr? I've found a nostr application that made an attempt at livestreaming: That seems to work. However, I don't think it's decentralized.
To be competitive they need 4K presets and formatting for all the professional tool exports. The relays will need non-relational database architecture running on excellent database hardware with an abundance of storage. Any individual willing to run their own relay through a decentralized content creation client, will likely have either original content, or solid pirated content, instead of just disposable re-upload spam ripped from other easily accessible free sites.
Centralized content creation clients however, ones that attract users or even advertisers, would need to censor and curate their users' uploads regularly. Otherwise it won't work, because intellectual property warnings and cease & desist letters will spam their inbox. Live-streaming will work until someone attracts a big enough crowd (and thusly Zaps) by live-streaming PPV events, etc. So like, what's the purpose of trying to recreate another dime-a-dozen centralized platform that censors, and pre-scans user uploads with third-party software, etc? So the ownership can brand it with a bright orange ₿?
I don't know what I'm getting at here and got lost. I think the Nostr relay situation needs a couple years of work
More work needed, I agree. It's interesting to keep track of never the less.
Odysee is the closest thing I'm familiar with. It uses a different blockchain for hosting videos and rewarding users.
I don't know enough to weigh in on whether something similar could be done using Bitcoin.
Yes, I'm very fond of the LBRY project as well. They got something going there. They are actually a Bitcoin fork, and they use the blockchain to store content addresses and stake content.
Their idea is good, but having left the BTC ecosystem is a weakness. If the Drivechain people get their way; (haven't formed an opinion on if good or not) then it could be replicated on a Bitcoin sidechain.