Let's hear your best movie recommendations, bonus sats for explaining why your movie is worth watching!
Either Big Lebowski or V for Vendetta
The Big Lebowski is one of the great comedies of all time: mistaken identity, absurdist kidnapping, iconic lines, great music, and phenomenal performances.
I can't imagine I actually need to pitch V for Vendetta to anyone here.
Ah, yes V for Vendetta. Excellent documentary
In the movie 1984 actor John Hurt played the main character (the rebel), and in V for Vendetta he played the authoritarian leader. It was really funny to see that.
What a coincidence, actually just watched Big Lebowski for the first time yesterday! It was quite different from the comedy movies I'm used to but in a good way! I thoroughly enjoyed it!
I hate the Eagles
Apollo 13.
It sucks me in every time. The diligent preparation for the rocket launch. The chills I get from watching the rocket take off. And the restless nights logged by the engineers as they try to figure out how to bring the boys home. I love it.
Fight club for sure, i don't think particular explanation is needed in this crowd.
Saw it 10+ times for sure, also read the book multiple times over the years
Matrix, the movie outlines a feeling that most of us have deep down, it brought that feeling to the surface, and made way for a lot of questioning, especially of government, state leaders, religions, systems etc. good movie and most likely true in a lot of ways. It also shows the people surviving in the chaos. witch I think is what we all hope for while current political Events, politicians, thoughtless, votes, and the worlds over privileged make lawless decisions for there own selfish small brained wants and needs, that aim to deceive and harm the majority!!!! I for won hope we come out safe and unharmed, with new insight.
I'm a sci-fi guy so I'd be slacking to let Star Wars go unmentioned... But technically the best star wars movie was Rouge One.
Outside of Star Wars I have to give props to Moulin Rouge. That movie has everything; great music, people, performances, and a seriously funny script.
A Man for All Seasons It has phenomenal writing and acting. The main character, Thomas More, does all that he can to help his country, but he is ultimately executed for not giving up his beliefs in the process. Despite being a tragedy, More's courage and cunning are deeply inspiring.
The Godfather, not because of the mafia. Great story of family, loyalty, self reliance, and not looking to the government to solve your problems. Full disclosure: I'm an old goombah.
Yeah, was looking for this. Great movie. The symbolism, the forshadowings, the metaphors, the symmetries. Just great filmmaking
Mulholland Drive. I’ve watched it repeatedly (including during its brief theatrical run) and it sucks me into its universe every time. David Lynch’s magnum opus.
Oh yeah, I recently dove through Lynch's filmography and this one in particular blew my mind. Made me go through Twin Peaks and the rest is history.
If you're a gamer, Disco Elysium is probably one of the closest experiences to Mulholland Drive you'll get.
I’m not really a gamer but I’ll have to check that out.
Inception was a good one, made me follow Nolan ever since it came out.
Interstellar has to be my favorite Nolan movie..
my list but only movies you've never heard of:
How to get ahead in advertising. Really weird quirky movie, guy grows second head, makes you grossed out, laugh, odd movie. Around the Campfire. Old hippie movie, will make you cry, remember old psychedelic stories from your life. Dogtown and Z boys - really cool skate culture movie. 2010: The Year We Make Contact - Excellent but unkown sequel to 2001. It's got lots more psychedelic frontiers to explore just like the original Sadly a bit of an anime nerd so the Overlord movies were fun to watch for me - Overpowered MC who's quasi evil
plus a milion i forget and regular classics like Conan. Oh and I love throwing on any old Stone Monkey movies from the old rock climber days. More modern heads might just want to watch Free Solo for gripping the edge of your seat thrills but I like old school Dean Potter almost dying for the camera movies more
Freddy Got Fingered, the movie is absurd but hilarious, not every scene works, movies have so much creative/artistic filtration before we actually get to watch them, I believe Tom Green was able to projectile vomit his creativity into this movie without the movie studio tainting it too much
The Shawshank Redemption
I'm going to be honest and you can judge if you want, idc, but my favorite movie of all time is... SUPERSTAR. It's brought me out of deep depressions.
Fellowship of the Ring
Primer is really great but his next Movie Upstream Color really grosses me out with all the parasite body swap pig plot points! I've seen Primer 5 times but only one viewing of Upstream was enough for me
Yeah, Upstream Color was fucking stupid. It's like instead of making two average movies he made one amazing movie and one piece of shit.
Terminator 2
T-1000 is one the best villains of all time!
I can guess The Wolf of Wall Street might be a top pick for many people.
District 9
The matrix hands down, then Shawshank redemption
Fight Club
same same :) we do what they tried but for real and with effect!
π (Pi)- Darren Aronofsky . Max is a reclusive mathematician who's built a super-computer that will not only provide him with the key to cracking the stock market, but may also reveal the true name of Jehovah; a discovery that could lead to the end of the world. His search however brings him to the attention of both Hassidic priests and Wall Street gurus.
Legendary 💪
Pretty much all the Kubrick films. But I have to go with The Shining if I have to pick a favorite. The sense of dread and anxiety that builds up is almost unbearable.
Fight Club. :) very bitcoin movie
The Shawshank Redemption
I'd say Star Wars The Phantom Menace, or Matrix even if it's impossible to really chose for a favorite and so many pieces of art are coming to my mind RN.
Really enjoyed everything, everywhere, all at once. Was happy to see it win BP at the oscars.
Inception, Heat, Never Ending Story, Sin City, Alice in Wonderland (Disney cartoon), Great Escape, Dumb and Dumber, Saving Private Ryan, Spartacus, Matrix
The Sting is great, I have it on DVD
God father
The departed for sure masterpiece and all star cast classic
It's Cloud Atlas. The only film I have seen twice in cinema.
And for what? For what? No matter what you do it will never amount to anything more than a single drop in a limitless ocean.
What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?
Every time I finish watching I feel so inspired that I have to go back to computer and keep working.
You, my dear, are proof our efforts were not in vain.
But I'm just a dinery server. I was not genomed to alter reality.
No revolutionary ever was.
And the end of the film is better than the book.
Your version of the truth is all that matters.
Truth is singular. Its versions are mistruths.