This may honestly just be more for me but Stackers keep your head up when times are tough.
Things don't always go as planned but that's okay, we adapt and make it. In my personal life getting out of the Navy has been more stressful then I could ever have imagined. I assumed two years ago when I decided to get out that it would just be a button press and I'd be working a job I love no problems.
This isn't a pity party though! I'm applying to new places everyday, attending career fairs, cringing on LinkedIn and not stopping!
I know what I bring to a team and will keep my head up. When the stress is overwhelming I focus on my positives; my two kids, improving my health with fun workouts, and honestly reading you guys.
Keep your head up whatever you're going through you will get through!
Good luck to you. We're living in strange times. I've used SN as an escape when things got tough more than once.
Today I was unfairly sent away, my work partner put 2 REDBULL energy drinks in her own bag and we 2 paid the same price.
Today has been a complicated day, but as the Racionais say: 'Nothing like one day after another day'.
Thanks for reminding me to keep my head up and good luck to you brother!
I'm so sorry! We will bounce back better
I agree, looking for more work myself, and LinkedIn is brutal. I’ve realized how diabolical that “Easy Apply” button is. Someone told me once “if you mail, you fail” - in other words force yourself to pick up the phone and/or go see someone in person before emailing or texting
Thank you for your service 🫡 I’m sorry the government has failed to uphold their oath
Appreciate you! I'll make it, better than before!
Are you aware of Bunker Labs?
If you aren't ready to start a business, maybe this would help still -- as maybe you could join one.
Checking it out!
good luck mate. focus on family is always helpful