Simple steps how to move from fiat (slavery) money world into full Bitcoin Standard
Today, we still have to pay bills in USD/EUR/whatever fiat shitcoins. But little by little, things will change. With calm and patience WE will change it. Because everything comes from ourselves, from individuals, from how we make other people realize that BTC can be used and that it helps us to exit the fiat system.
First step This is not an easy process, but every day is getting easier, we have more tools, more ramps, more apps. The hardest one is our mind. People are nor ready yet to make this huge change in mentality: how to live only with Bitcoin and move away from the fiat world (consumerism, greed, inflation, control, debt, slavery).
Prepare your mind, prepare your knowledge about Bitcoin, test many apps, test many solutions and start pricing everything in sats. It’s a slow process, but worth it.
I started with Bitcoin in 2012, but never leave it behind, I always learned something new every day. And then from 2015 I started to prepare myself for this long journey of moving away from fiat world. Started with Bitwage, accumulating BTC then from 2018 I stopped accepting fiat anymore. ONLY BITCOIN. And spending in BTC/LN.
You can do it ONLY if you really want it. Don’t come up with excuses like “but I can’t pay a coffee with sats” or “I can’t pay bills with sats”. Find your own way to move away from fiat, convince as many merchants as you can to accept your BTC. The revolution starts with you, as individual, not with big fucking retail chains.
Second step REMOVE THE USD/EUR FROM THE BANK. Leaving money in a bank account today is an act of madness. At any time they can block it or remove it from there. Also, while you leave it, they USE it, and they don’t give you anything. Give this some thought. Bitcoin is your life savings account, is your retirement plan.
There is a saying: “leave in the bank only the money that you are willing to lose!” Well, taking out the money, you have to keep it somewhere safe. Even though we don’t have much, so much we have is OURS and it’s our savings and work that we’ve done with sweat.
This is a multi step process, moving slowly from fiat money dependency.
Leave ONLY enough in bank accounts to pay recurring bills and if you can put the money JUST when the due date approaches.
Third step Start teaching about Bitcoin your family, friends, neighbors, local shops and START THE BITCOIN CIRCULAR ECONOMY.
RECEIVE BITCOIN, Get paid in BTC, earn BTC I recommend the first step: use Bitwage to receive the payroll in BTC. It is the easiest way to start receiving BTC. Then if you manage to convince the company where you work to start using BTC and to pay you in BTC, it will be a big step. Convince the employers to start using BTC as a financial reserve and from there start paying you.
Bitwage also is a great tool for freelancers or self employed. You bill your customers and give them the bank account assigned for you in Bitwage. You receive BTC straight to your personal private wallet.
You could also split the income in % in BTC and another % in fiat, if you still want / need to pay some bills in fiat money. Now Bitwage also supports LN (Lightning Network).
Another step would be: change your job. Find a company that is already in Bitcoinlandia, that you can work remotely, from home and/or that pays you in BTC.
Here some examples of jobs boards that pays directly in BTC:
that's just step one... Now that you replaced Banks for Bitcoin, the journey will keep going. What's next? {try to} replace your:
  • phone (and whatever app inside it)
  • Electric grid
  • Centralized internet providers
  • Water (g'luck if you leave in an apartment)
and if you can, just stop paying taxes too... % of taxes you pay = % of slavery (this does not consider your time)
If there was a source or an offramp to directly pay my mortgage in the U.S. with BTC.....I would be 100% in BTC.
I would purposely work under the income threshold where I would not get taxed on long term holdings and use BTC to pay for everything else.