I know I've asked this before, but it never hurts to keep brainstorming this. What are your top suggestions for sub stacks? (Hope that's a good way to refer to sub forums here) I'll start:
I'd love one for woodworking because it's the only thing I ever take pictures of, so I'd actually have some fresh content to post.
Hobby robotics and electronics! Been a hobby of mine since the early 90s. God, I miss Radio Shack from back then. Anyway, I 3d printed one of those little robot cats a few years ago and started writing some arduino code for mechanical walking, just to practice and see what that entails. Recently made a little camera turret so I could watch a family of blackbirds that moved in outside my bedroom window.
I bet there's a lot of users here that have similar hobbies. What are some of your sub stack suggestions?
I like economics. current events. tech support.
Those are good. "Tech Support" made me think of a few more subs I'd like to see. There's a neat one I like on reddit that basically just loops Linux tutorials in the form of challenges every month. Opens up a bit of discussion and makes a good forum for asking questions. I think it's "Linux Upskill Challenge".
I've said this before, too: There should be a Misc. sub. That would do two important things:
  1. It would clean up the existing subs; especially Bitcoin and Meta.
  2. It would allow the developers to see what other things the community is interested in.
Other than that meta point, I would specifically like a sports sub and an econ sub.
3D printing should be a solid one. We could get the 3d Gun printing crowd on here; lots of crossover with bitcoiners.
Any niche with some crossover to bitcoin should be targeted now, such as Liberty activists, Anarchists, TOR users, hard money proponents, etc.
Are you referring to substack.com? They should totally setup sat stacking that will live up to the name.
Write stuff you'd wanna read
Kind of a long name for a sub-forum. Is it for creative writing, news, or just broad strokes writing in general?
It’s for writing stuff you’d want to read yourself